Olivia is here!


Olivia was born 11/24/2021. 7 pounds and 8 ounces. She is absolutely perfect! We went in for the induction at 5am on the 24th. I was dilated to a 3 and 75 %thinned which was awesome considering I was barely a one the week before. They started me on Pitocin and continued upping it every 30 mins till I was maxed out by noon. They broke my water around 11:30am which contractions were starting to get a little painful before they did that. About 10-15 mins after they broke my water contractions came in full force!! I was set on not getting the epidural when I went in for the induction. By that point my body was working so hard with each contraction I was just exhausted and in so much pain. I had to moan thru each one. I finally asked for the epidural, the nurse told me it would be about 45 mins to an hour cause I would have to finish the IV bag of fluids once that was done and they called the person to come do it that doctor ended up getting paged to a code so I had to wait roughly two hours till I could get it. I was in the worst pain ever, moaning thru each one and squeezing my poor husbands hands lol I was having so much pressure I really thought I was going to have her before I could get it. Thankfully they were able to get me the epidural. That guy was so fast at placing it and it was painless! I asked to be checked right after it placed and I was at a 9! I instantly started crying and told my husband we are so close to meeting our baby girl! The doctors and nurses all came in and got me ready and just three quick pushes she was out and placed on my chest. She is absolutely beautiful and has so much hair!