Trust clear blue tests?


This month I had a lot of odd feelings that I was pregnant but I didn’t want to get my hopes up! Then my period arrived 2 days early or at least I thought it was my period so I thought okay I guess I’m not pregnant. Went on with my period. It ended on the 4th day instead of having a full 7 day period like I normally do. I thought nothing of it and was just happy my period was over with. A few days went by and I started having light pink spotting. That lasted a day. The next say days after that I had no bleeding but sticky discharge that was tainted red. At that point me being pregnant was on my mind but I thought no I just had my period that isn’t possible but I couldn’t stop thinking about it. All I had was a clear blue left and it wasn’t first morning pee. Within the time frame the test turned faintly positive and as time went on the test got darker. I thought that can’t be right once I just got my period and wanted to see if this has happened to anyone else. I’m trying hard to get squeezed in with m OB and havnt had any type of bleeding since testing! Has this happened to anyone else? Could my period have been implantation bleeding? I was told that could have been a possibly. I’ve had cramping and one sided sharp pains as well. I’ve taken theses tests previously before and have gotten 100% negatives! The test is blue and clear and say to read!