Can anyone out there help me? Please?


I have NEVER missed a period. My last period was Oct 21st. It’s now Nov 26th. My period is late and I’m getting positive first response tests. Not super positive but lines you can definitely see and within the time frame. I don’t think they’re indents, has they would be really, really bad indents and 6 tests in a row from different boxes/stores. However, my bloodwork is negative. I’ve been for bloodwork a few times and keeps coming back at 3. I only started getting positive homes tests recently, before and after blood work. I had stark white tests for weeks, now there’s two lines. But, nothing on the Walmart cheapies.

Even though I was convinced I was pregnant. I called my dr back and just canceled my appt anyway since the bloodwork was neg. They convinced me to go to the ER on Nov 24th. They thought it might be ectopic since I was getting positive hpt and negative blood and some cramping. I went and they did more labs and an ultrasound. Saw nothing. Said it was probably a chemical or too early. I would be about 5 weeks. Wouldn’t bloodwork or an ultrasound show by now? Am I just crazy. I still haven’t bled, so it’s had to believe chemical or never pregnant. Has anyone had a similar situation. I feel like I’m just not taking no for an answer, but I also feel I’m listening to my body. 🤷‍♀️

*all lines on these tests were pink and appeared in the time frame (before even).