What do I do?

My husband and i have been together since we were 13 yrs old and wet both just turned 32 yrs old this month and wet have 2 kids together……. Our relationship is FAR from perfect, but over the last 7-8 years I’ve just haven’t felt right in the relationship out arguments are bad cuz of him and his drinking all the time and he gets angry over nothing and his angriness is bad lots of screaming, yelling, name calling too me and something him putting his hands on me so my feelings for him has changed a lot like i gave love for him but I’m not in love with him anytime and i don’t know what do to i have no place to go, no money, nothing as I’m a stay at home mom to our 2 kids who are in school full time, I had a job once and that was hell he would tell me to take at the VTO’s so i wasn’t there with other guys and he knew when VTO’s were given cuz he worked there too on other days. I want to know what a loving caring relationship feels like without feeling like anything i do will be hard and worried i will get yelled at about it.