Need to vent

I am just so frustrated and sad with my sons dad that I don’t know what to do anymore. Things haven’t been great since I found out I was pregnant a year ago (literally he stopped talking to me pretty much until 3 weeks before I had our son because he was upset that I wouldn’t get an abortion). But since our son was born he’s been a lot better and we’ve been trying to make things work. He lives about an hour away and normally he comes and visits on weekends and sometimes takes our 7 month old to his home to visit with his half sister and occasionally will take him overnight. He normally texts every day and asks how we are both doing and stuff too.

However the past 2 months he’s been off. He hasn’t been visiting or texting. When he does come he just wants to take our son and leave. he never spends time with me and I feel selfish that I get upset about it. When I talk to him about it he straight up just doesn’t answer. Like he will pretend I never asked him the question. I’m just so frustrated because if we are supposed to be “together” I feel like he should be able to communicate his feelings. I’ve also told him if he just wants to co-parent that I am fine with that too. like I’m not forcing him to be with me, I just want what’s best for our son.

It makes my heart hurt because I love him so much but I feel like he hates me. And it hurts even worse when I bring it up and he dodges the questions. Is he avoiding ending our relationship because he’s afraid I’ll keep his son away from him? Am I wrong for feeling hurt at the lack of attention/time spent together?

Sorry I just needed to get this off of my chest lol. Any advice or suggestions or support would be greatly appreciated.