How do I start? 😅


Hi guys so I’m 19, just had my first baby October 10th. To be honest I don’t mind looking the way I look, but I do at the same time. I want to be skinnier, I don’t care about abs I just want a belly that doesn’t look like this. I also want to make my butt look like I actually have one 😂 which I always struggled with my butt appearance even before I got pregnant. Being almost 2 month pp I feel way better than I did before pregnancy, I do feel skinnier and more confident even though I weigh about 190 now and before pregnancy I was about 184. I just want to know where do I start, I’m not someone who’s worked out much I’ve tried but it always failed and when I was super close to actually trying I ended up getting pregnant 😅. I’m also a binge eater so that doesn’t help much, I eat when I’m bored or just don’t have anything to do and I don’t really know how to stop it but I’m trying. I grew up with a heavy set mom and it wasn’t great, I had to help her get dressed and to be honest as a kid I was embarrassed of her cause all the other moms were fit and skinny. I don’t want my son to have to go through that and I want to just have more confidence in myself. So, where do I start? How do I do things healthier? Can someone give me a routine to follow or a favorite gym YouTuber? How do I get rid of the fat above my butt? Also how do I keep up with my water intake? I’m more dehydrated than I’ve ever been since having my son, I try to drink as much as I can but with him breastfeeding and obviously needing me most of the time I barley remember to drink water throughout the day. The good thing is I am eating less kinda like portion wise, but I’m also sitting around more since I’m a SAHM and I don’t have any hobbies 😔 which then triggers me wanting to eat cause I’m bored. HELP ME! 😨
