Why does this keep happening?😭


So girls don't even know where to start. Just got out of hospital after being there two night with another miscarriage, that's six now and don't know how to feel anymore I'm just so numb. Trying to see a positive in all this is hard but I can say I am FINALLY being referred to a gynaecologist, as no sign of psoc or anything on scans, I am more determine to get healthier and become a mammy than ever before. I lived a long time angry at myself for not being able to to what I want more than I could ever put into words when everyone I am around or know are mothers and fathers, feeling ashamed as my jealousy eats away at me some days. Now I understand I just need some help and it's ok to need help. It's ok to fight harder than I ever have in my life to be a MOTHER!! The pain is mental and physical but live with the pain and let it speak to me. So for every woman and man struggling to become what we want the most. We will have it one day and the heavens will move for us and let us become the most loving and protecting parents we are. 💗💙💗💙 Ps sorry for being so long