Getting closer

Nicole • Married 💏 10/29/17 Mommy to G 4/29/15 💙 A 7/5/18 💜

Speech has always been the only thing that Allison has been delayed in. We’ve been told she’s behind most kiddos with Ds. It’s always a roller coaster of emotions for me. Sometimes I think it will come when the time is right for her. Then the next time I’m in a panic because what if she never talks and I worry that life will be that much more difficult for her. She’s an incredibly smart girl and it’s hard for me to wrap my head around the idea that she can’t form words. Couple weeks ago she just stopped saying the couple words she knew along with her sounds and I’m like 🤯 what is going on. This went on for a week then out of nowhere this girl starts repeating everything I say (the best she can) she’s making new sounds attempts to have conversations and will just sit and babble. She’s even talking more out in public ( she’s extremely shy and shuts down when she’s in unfamiliar places). I swear ever time I think I got this girl figured out she throws a curveball at me. I think she intentionally likes to rock my world, she’s been doing it since she arrived. I’ve always been told that these kiddos have to work twice as hard to go half the distance as typical kids but that their milestones are twice as rewarding. Every time she meets a milestone I want to cry and tell everyone my girl is kicking some serious a$$.

Allison, you are one AMAZING girl.