Step daughter refuses to blow nose..


My 6 year old step daughter used to blow her nose (when I first met her at 3 years old), in the past year maybe a bit longer, she insists that she can’t and then causes a huge fuss whenever she has a blocked nose. I get it’s horrible when you’ve got a blocked nose, but if we try to help her or show her how to blow it she starts screaming at us and stomping, jumping up and down etc. We think it’s a learnt behaviour from her biological mum as she was known to react like that if she didn’t get what she wants. The worst time is during the night because she’s clearly over tired and then it turns into a whole new level - she starts screaming she hates me and my fiancé (her dad), that she only loves her mum etc etc, when we’re just trying to help her! Does anyone have any suggestions as to how we can approach this? We have a baby due in March and it’s getting beyond a joke now, as her tantrums and screaming will be bound to wake the little one up, especially as this is happening almost everytime and every night she is with us now..