Bleeding between periods


So I was just wondering if anybody has experienced this before… in October my period was a week late and I got my period November 1st instead of oct 24ish. It was my regular 7 day long period. Later in November, my period came again on the 24th for only 5 days without many symptoms when I usually get bad cramping the 1st day. Whatever, cool, back to normal.

Well yesterday I had some brown “spotting” and it is the first day of my fertile window (confirmed with a positive OPK). The spotting only warranted a liner. Last night though, the blood was red and had one clot in it. Today i am having enough bright red blood and I need a tampon because it’s way too much for a liner. I am freaking out a bit because I am TTC 2nd cycle and this is just really weird. I have been super regular like clockwork with about a 32-34 day cycle and I have never had mid cycle bleeding before. This is a lot and I am unsure if this is ANOTHER period or not. I’m still going to BD again today because like I said, I’m in my window. I’ve made a Dr appointment for Monday to check things out, but I was just looking to see if anybody else had anything similar?

Thanks so much