So angry


My bf is so disrespectful and I don’t know how to deal with him sometimes. It’s so annoying because we have really wonderful times and we’re best friends and then sometimes he goes through a few days or weeks, where he acts like a total b*stard and someone I do not know or want to be around.

Like up until two days ago, he was so affectionate and caring and missed me during the day whilst at work ect. Then, two days ago, he starts switching again and acting like a dick.

His friend called and said he was with his wife passing by and so he invited them round. I work full time, as does he usually (although this week he has mostly been at home and has done nothing to help in the house)

So the house is a bit messy, and all of a sudden we’re up hoovering and cleaning making the place look decent. As a joke I said ‘maybe I should invite people around once a week last minute seeing as it will get the house clean’. I said it very light hearted and even laughed and his response was ‘well I’m helping you clean so you don’t look or feel bad infront of his wife cos the house is a mess’.

Like what the actual fuck. So it’s my fault the house is a mess even though he’s been at home most of the week and has done sweet FA. I couldn’t believe he said this, I just wanted to punch him in the face.

I’m so angry and upset I don’t even know how to express what I am feeling. He always said that our relationship is 50/50 that he doesn’t see women and men different but then he makes comments like this, as if though because I have a vagina, I’m the one who is supposed to do the cleaning, on top of working and doing every single fucking thing in the house.

I just feel deflated to be honest and I have no words.