Super surprised!


Just found out today I’m having TRIPLETS!! I’m super excited but very nervous. We have 9 children already but me and my wife wanted another one so we used sperm donation at home and after 3 try’s (I know it’s not a long time but I usually don’t have a hard time getting pregnant) and no luck we went to a fertility clinic and they suggested we try <a href="">iui</a>

We did that during my next cycle and I got pregnant. I went in for an ultrasound today and there were three little sacs and three little dots on the screen. We were all shocked!

Baby #10, 11, and 12 on the way!!

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Posted at
Hi. I just found out I’m having triplets too and have notstopped crying since . I’m so scared


S • Dec 17, 2021
Ah you are living my dream, I also want to foster, adopt plus give birth. As many kiddos as I can afford. Congratulations mama 💖


Jenna • Dec 11, 2021
Congratulations! I cried too, I still can’t believe there’s 3 of them. I adopted a set of twins and gave birth to a set of twins in less than a year so I’m hoping that if I could handle that I can handle this🤞🏻