I need help please


So I found I was pregnant a week ago. I have been spotting on and off for about 11 days now. Went to the doctor because of the spotting. Doctor stated that I had three large cervical polyps two red and one whitish grey. She removed one of the polyps and stated that my cervix was opened. I went in for a ultrasound the technician saw a sac but no baby. I am on 4wks6days. The doctor stated that the polyp does not look like a polyp but an abnormal pregnancy since I has my twin in April. So they took a biopsy of the polyp still waiting for results. Stated that it might be a molar pregnancy so later I received my HCG results and it was 3,517 she said you should’ve seen a baby at the high rate of hcg. She also said it might be an Ectopic pregnancy but I asked her wouldn’t she have seen that on the ultrasound she stated no. I currently have no pain and no bleeding just maybe a pink spot here and there from what I believe is the polyp. My doctor is so negative. Anyone gone through something similar