In need of advice!!!

So it’s abit of a complicated and long story however I’m going to try to shorten it as much as possible to get to the point (sorry if I ramble on I’m just a little annoyed right now).

Right so backstory is I’ve been with my partner for 3 yrs coming on 4. He has a child with his ex who is completely crazy like stopped him from seeing the kid until he broke up with me, caused them to have have a 2-3 year long custody battle in court, put him in debt, tried to get him arrested, multiple restraining orders against him and then lied about him trying to stab her after she stabbed herself (he went to jail for a couple days over it and when it “happened” he was on ft with me whilst with people in a completely different area on top of that she admitted multiple times she lied to force him to go back to her). Anyways he’s only just been allowed to start seeing his kid ordered by the courts from around may time and is originally supposed to have Friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon however since she has basically said no to both having him overnight and having him near me he has every Saturday at her house which is supposed to be temporary until he gets his licence. Anyways that’s another story so with Christmas coming up on the Saturday his day she had turned around and told him he has to spend Christmas with them because it’s only fair and it’s his day and he’s missed the last 2-3 and then proceeded to say “your little girlfriend will have to share”. So he’s now spending Xmas with this woman and his child at her house and she’s been telling not only him but others that have told me about the gifts she’s got him and how amazing it’s gonna be. So I was talking to him once he finished work and asked how long is thinking of staying as I don’t see why I should spend Christmas by my self and he turned around and said 3 ok so I turned around and said ahh well imma see if my friend wants to come spend it or im just going to go spend it with my mum and and this is my issue he turns around and says “No, I don’t want you to. I don’t want her knowing I’m going over there (the ex’s) for Christmas so no”.

My question is do I have a valid reason to be hurt and quite frankly pissed off by this or am I just being jealous and petty. I did tell him that it’s not like I’m going to say I’m only over my mams bc he’s going over there and that it gives me a chance to drop my family’s gifts off. I don’t like it when he’s over there I feel that after everything that she’s done to him and to me he’d not of want to. I feel like he constantly puts her wishes above me and my feelings or at least that she always gets her own way and I’m upset that he doesn’t see any issue with me spending Christmas alone much more that he’d prefer me to spend Christmas on my own rather than have my mom know that he’s spending Christmas with his ex. I know he loves me and this isn’t me asking if I should break up with him I just want to know what you would do, should I let him know how I feel and how do I do that or what I should do instead I feel like this may be jealousy as I just do not trust the ex or like her but I can’t help but feel hurt by this.