Symptoms differences between pregnancies

Fatouma- TTC #2

I know every pregnancy is different so maybe I just need to chill. With my first baby, I knew I conceived after 3DPO because my body was giving all kinds of signals telling me that something was up. This is my 2nd month TTC for #2 after IUD removal. This cycle on the other hand has been giving me mix feelings. With the first time I had breast soreness from 3DPO accompanied with insomnia, rib pain, cramping and lower back pain from 4DPO. This time around I started cramping at 3DPO then only one boob is tingling and a little sore to the touch from 7DPO and I am 9DPO today. I am definitely not going to test until at least 11DPO, because the last time I spent a little fortune trying to test early.

My question is: for the ones who have multiple kids how different were your symptoms?