Don’t know how to feel

Sorry this is really long but please read I have no clue what to do.

My boyfriend just got a puppy a few days ago and now I barely hear from him. He usually text me throughout the day, when he wakes up, on his lunch break, after work, and then we FaceTime and usually fall asleep on the phone together. Since he got the puppy I’ve gotten no text from him, I’ll try sending him something and won’t get a response for a few hours then I’ll respond as soon as I get a text from him and won’t get a response for awhile. Yesterday I asked him if he wanted to come over and watch a movie with me, he said “no I’m taking puppy shopping and out to get her used to lots of people” so I said ok and asked if I could go with him. He kinda just gave a half assed answer and said “ig if you want to, you don’t have to tho.” I went with him and everything seemed fine but he didn’t really say all that much to me and wasn’t acting like himself. (He will usually hold my hand and rub my back and stuff when we’re together or in general just kinda stand closer to me when we go out) when he dropped me back off at my house he usually gives me a hug and a kiss goodbye before leave but he just grabbed the puppy and sat her in the front seat said bye and left. When he got home he said “thanks for coming with”, I tried to continue the conversation but just got short answer or no reply for an hour or so. We usually end up calling around 9:30/10 so when I called him to get ready for bed I got no response, whenever he goes to bed early he’s always let me know. I tried calling a few more times and sending texts but I didn’t get any responses so I just stopped trying. I’ve made such a habit of calling him when I go to bed that when we don’t call I have a really hard time sleeping and usually don’t fall asleep till 2/3 in the morning or not at all. When he got up this morning the only text I got from him was “sorry I went to bed” and then got nothing for the rest of the day, I tried texting him on his lunch break and when he got off of work but got nothing both times. I eventually told him that I was going to bed early (around 7:30) and that I didn’t feel like taking to anyone and if I felt better tomorrow I would text him. I immediately got a response saying ”sorry I was playing with puppy, what’s wrong” I haven’t responded and he hasn’t texted again but I feel horrible and want to cry. He’s giving all his attention to a puppy and I feel stupid for being jealous of a dog but I miss him and how things used to be even tho this has only been going on for a few days.