10 months old


10 months old and can’t keep still.

You sure are keeping us on our toes these days. You weigh 20.5 pounds and have exactly 3 teeth, including one of your vampire teeth. You crawl at lightning speed and can walk along furniture. You can say mama, dada, yeah, baba and we think your starting to say no no. You’ve started learning so much over the past month. And you still wake up twice a night 🤦🏼‍♀️ one day you’ll let us get our sleep back!

You love swinging, remotes, saying yeah when we tell you no, chocolate chip cookies, balls, other children, opening presents a nd anything and everything blueberries! 🫐

You hate sitting still, being told no, falling, taking naps when you aren’t ready, the taste of peaches and eggs and you especially hate the taste of Motrin.

I love you Bubba!