Worth every struggle to get here 💕


After over four years of nothing but negative pregnancy tests, multiple surgeries, four failed <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>’s, one full failed round of <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> we did one last round and by the Grace of God got pregnant! My pregnancy was literally a roller coaster of emotions! I had two massive MASSIVE bleeds at 12 and 18 weeks both times convinced I lost the baby. Went for my anatomy scan to be told I had marginal cord insertion and circumvallate placenta and would need to be monitored closely. High blood pressure which I never had a day in my life and a big move to another state! On September 21st at 12:20pm my husband and I met the absolute love of our lives, Laila Jean! 💕 For everyone still trying, for the mamas worried about the health of their babies and everyone in between please know I see you and know how heavy your hearts feel especially this time of the year. I still can’t believe she’s mine 🥺