18w2d…is it normal to not feel her all the time?

I am currently 18w2d (this is my second) and I have started to feel this baby earlier than I did with my son. However, I don’t think I’m at the point that I’m feeling her every day…is this okay? 😰 last night I was wrapping presents after working a full day (I just find that I’m getting tired/sore at lot quicker than with my first pregnancy) and was having some pain in my low stomach/pelvic area. Now I’m convinced that I haven’t felt her since then 😔 I have a Doppler, which I shouldn’t and try SO hard not to use it, because I used it and now I’m second guessing whether or not it was a heartbeat…I walked all day today too doing last minute Christmas shopping and I’m just afraid I’m doing too much and somethings wrong 😰

*edited to add I’ve seen a lot of media stories lately of stillbirths/late term losses and I think it’s adding to my anxieties