How did you know your baby was teething?


I’m struggling to know if my baby is teething. She is 5 months about a week ago. She has been drooling for over a month ago already and still no teeth but already 2 days she has been crying really hard. She doesn’t tug on her ears so not sure. But yesterday her cheeks were red and warm.. and today they are just red. She’s fine after waking up for about an hour almost 2 and then I try to put her to bed and she’s non stop crying and very hard to calm her down… I know I put her to bed before she gets overtired so I know that’s not the case. After I feed her she is also really good for a bit till an hour or so later. Me and hubby tried dipping her paci in ice cold water and giving it to her and she stopped crying until the paci got warm again. When she’s crying she sometimes puts her hands in her mouth. I’m looking at her gums and they don’t seem swollen or like anything changed. Please help if you can!