I can’t tell is there a faint line???


Y’all I need help is there a line here it’s hard to tell. I’m freaking out. It’s not that I don’t want to be pregnant it’s more so I don’t think I’m ready. I’m almost 30 years old, my boyfriend and I have been together collectively 7 years on and off but solid now. We’ve already had discussions just what we do if I got pregnant so we have a plan but that doesn’t change my fear. I also think my freaking out may be related to religious trauma. I grew up in a not super conservative home but my parents really did not want me to get pregnant before I was married. I don’t want to disappoint them. Yet I know they can’t get super mad at me because they got pregnant with me when they were only engaged and way younger than I am now. I’m pretty sure my grandmother may have a heart attack if I am though, she’s the one who’s super conservative. Yes I know that if you have sex there’s a possibility of pregnancy so please do not come after me because I made the choice to have sex. My boyfriend and I have been having sex for a long time and I’ve made it almost 30 years without getting pregnant. I just need time is right now and experienced women to understand these tests.