My special little girl


So as much as my daughter hasn’t officially been diagnosed to having autism… I’ve been noticing things about her since she was 3. All her little gestures, quirks, differences started at 3, but could’ve easily been taken as toddler things. The biggest thing for me was her speech delay. It hurts me on so many different levels mainly because of the expectations I had for her & for the way certain family members make me feel. They make it seem like it’s my fault she had a speech delay. I believe it at first & blamed myself for months. I’ve been doing all the things since she was in my tummy. I would sing, talk & read to her. I continued all of this even after she was born, to this day… To make the long story short, we got her evaluated, but they said there is no need for further evaluation for autism. We were relieved (my husband especially),but I still feel like she could be in the spectrum. We were able to get speech therapy for her which we had for about 4-5 months & she has been doing so well. She’s made some big strides, but is still not where she needs to be verbally. She can’t converse & has a hard time engaging when we ask her questions.

There’s so much more I could say, but I guess I’m looking for support & a community where I can be free to let out my frustrations, worries & concerns. I love my husband, but he is not quite on board with getting the help my daughter needs. It’s not that he doesn’t care. He does. I think he’s afraid of the diagnosis & possibly of her having autism & he’s afraid of what his family is going to say. So I think he may just be in denial… Has anyone on here gone through a partner or spouse similar to my husband? If so, what did you do to help your partner understand?

Thanks in advance!