Struggling with 2 under 2 😔


My oldest daughter is 15 months old and my youngest daughter just turned 2 weeks old. I am currently crying my eyes out right now while they are both crying wanting me and only me. My SO works night shifts so I stay at my moms when he has to work to get help but my oldest daughter freaks out if anyone else tries to comfort her and my youngest daughter is waking up every 30 mins to an hour to eat so breastfeeding has been a challenge when my oldest daughter is wanting me when I feed baby sister. Please someone tell me it gets better I am exhausted and feel like such a bad mom that I can’t give them my attention at the same time. I knew this was going to be hard but I didn’t think it would be this hard to the point where I’m dreading nighttime because I know that means no sleep for me and constant crying from them . 😔