After one year, finally, on the last day of the year, my BFP 😭

Monica • TTC 1.5 years. 2 miscarriages. 33 years old.

I got pregnant in December 2020, had a missed miscarriage in January 2021. I had testing earlier this month because I was not able to fall pregnant again all year. Everything was normal. My doctor gave me a prescription for clomid which I was going to take day 3 of my period and we were going to do an <a href="">IUI</a> next month. Looks like I won’t need to because I GOT MY BFP TODAY!!!! I didn’t get a positive OPK this cycle (had days upon days of flashing smileys but no solid) and my doctor said I likely wouldn’t be pregnant if it looks like I didn’t ovulate. Well I guess I did 😅 Due to my prior miscarriage, we are cautiously optimistic, but DAMN this feels GOOD!!! Here’s to a sticky bean and a healthy pregnancy in 2022!!!!! 🎉