Gender Disappointment


(Please don’t judge) just expressing my feelings, so I just found out baby is boy through blood test (15 weeks) I have 1 son already partner has 3 sons my first son is his as well so we were hoping for that little girl. Which I felt in my bones was because symptoms were really different from my son it’s been the worst the nausea vomiting acne sugar craving faster heartbeat all the old wives tales that say will be GIRL obviously it’s not true I guess every pregnancy will be different but to say because I’ve been so sick and literally feel like I’m dying I said this will be my last pregnancy so if it’s a girl great I got my pair so when the test results came back boy, my heart sunk I love my son and love being big mom but I dream of me having a girl before I starting really dating lol I just know I was meant to have a girl, so I’ve been a little bummed and they and they say hey you can always try again but it’ll be 50% chance it’ll be a boy again, I’m just at a moment where I lost my mom when I was young and didn’t get to have mommy and daughter bond I still get sad about so I said maybe I’ll have a daughter and get to have that with her but now I don’t know 😕