Am I crazy for being upset

I know I'm going to get some hate for this but yes, I went through my boyfriends phone. He forgot it at home when he went to work today and I was home all day and I caved and went through it. Long story short I found out that when he and I first started dating, he had been talking to many many other girls and fucking other girls. For at least a month or two in the beginning of our relationship.

A month into us dating he was showing me something on his phone and a notification came up from a girl. He swore that he hadn't been talking to her and that she had just randomly sent him something. I asked him to delete her contact and he did. It bothered me a little bit but not much at the time.

Another month or 2 after that he had accidentally called me another girls name. The name is similar to mine. But it's not me. It wasn't during sex or anything. But he said he didn't even know anyone with that name and didn't know why he said it. Again, wasn't too bothered by it and moved on.

Well now I've seen that not only was he hooking up with a girl with that name when we were dating, but he was also hooking up with at least 5 or 6 other girls too and one of them was basically his girlfriend.

We have been together a year and a half now and live together so part of me feels stupid for being upset about something that happened so long ago. But he always swore that once we started dating he wasn't talking to anyone else. And he acted like he hasn't talked to or hooked up with any girls close to when we met. I just feel lied to and I feel like the first couple months of our relationship where I thought I was special to him and I thought I was the only girl he was talking to is just ruined now. I don't even want to ask him about it because I only found out from going through his phone. Am I crazy for being upset and feeling hurt? How can I feel better about this?

Tldr: my boyfriend of 2 years was hooking up with about 6 other girls in the beginning of our relationship and lied to me about it.