I'M POSITIVE!! But my man is back in 10 days, help me think of how to announce it!

Sa • TTC since 09/20. MC 03/22 @12 weeks. Rainbow Baby 🌈 born 07/23! High prolactin levels!

Hi all, after about 15 months of trying I finally got my BFP! At 13dpo on CD33. I have a short luteal phase of 10 days, so when I saw no AF after 3 days and some tiny spotting when I wiped (TMI soz) I bought a test and at 5am lol after taking my BBT I got a +ve.

Its crazy because I thought I was out of the game when my temp dropped between dpo7-10 and was getting ready for yet another depressing period , but when it popped back up on dpo11 I gained hope again! I guess implantation dips do really happen.

Anyway my partner is away and returns on 16th Jan, and I don't want to announce it on the phone, I've seen when people create a little box with baby shoes (I've ordered some baby vans) and put their test in it etc. Any more ideas of what to include? I'M SO EXCITED THANKS!!! Lol Thanks