Working Mom Vent Session


So about 6 months ago, I made a career change. Things were seemingly going great, but then my referral switched to part time and she only comes in and works for 3 hours and comes in around the time as I’m headed out.

We’re so short staffed right now and can’t get anyone to fill the position of another person that was let go. I am stressed every day that I am there and that isn’t mixing well with trying to have another baby.

Some days I want to just go back to my old job 😔 the pay was better, the benefits were better. I left because I just wanted to do something more, but now I’m feeling like I’m just not cut out for it.

Has this happened to anyone else? Am I wrong for wanting to leave and go back to my old job? I could go on and on about how great this company is, but I’m afraid I’d lose you in the confusion. I’m just so lost on what to do.