Transitioning to a crib - Mental Health


When we first brought our baby home my husband was in the throws of PPD and I was trying to figure out breastfeeding so we made the regrettable decision to rent the SNOO during her 3rd week home. It worked (kinda) until it didn’t.

Now that we have figured out breastfeeding and I’ve been made aware of the cons of having a SNOO AND the past 3 weeks she has been breaking out of the swaddle in the SNOO it’s time to get rid of it. Most nights ended up with her cosleeping with us which is not great for either one of us. Our bed is soft so I’m not sleeping cause I’m worried she is going to roll into me on her face. And every night about 3:30 am she starts rooting for my boob and wants it in her mouth for hours.

So I started working on transitioning to her crib. Day 1 we started practicing with her first nap and it was promising. We used the Magic Merlin sleep

Suit and got 30 minutes We had some issues with her other naps but that was expected being the first day. We also got a couple hours at night before she got

fussy around 1:30 and I brought her to bed with us.

We are on Day 3 now and I’m going to lose my mind. She has only wanted to contact nap/sleep and I can’t do anything. I know people say wear your baby so you can get things done. Which is fine if you don’t need to

bend down or make noise of any kind. My husband has been making my meals and doing most if not all the chores since we came home 4 months ago. I miss cooking, I miss being able to eat a meal when it’s warm, I miss my husband, I miss hanging with my dogs.

Any tips would be helpful. I don’t want to use a CIO method. When did you transition your baby to a crib? Am I starting too early? Should I just give up and plan on not having a life for the next two months and start at 6 months?