Had my baby at the ER!!!


First contraction were hours apart less than 30mins they became 10mins apart. Then we drop my first child at my grandmothers, my water broke in the car while dropping him off. Called the hospital they told us to go to closest hospital they would transport us. We got there @5am, they told us I was 10cm dilated, and that it’s to risky to be transmitted and that they usually don’t deliver babies here. An hour later they told us we’re going to have him here, they moved us to a different room to have him. Next thing I know it I was pushing, a few pushes in he comes 7lbs 9oz @7:23am. This experience was crazy but amazing I literally felt everything I was on no medication. At the moment I wished had something, but As I look back if I had something I would never felt what I felt, it was such amazing experiences. Felt every moment.