How lucky are We.


I was due to come on my period on 4th January, and had no signs to Suggest aunt flow was on her way. However I was noticing some slight cramping and a pulling sensation when standing up.

On Saturday ( the day I took the test) I went to see a friend, who has just announced she is 12 weeks pregnant, and she gave me her unneeded ovulation tests. I told her that I had already bought some but as I hadn’t had a period since buying them I hadn’t used any yet.

When I got home I decided to take a test, which came back positive. Followed by 2 more that show the weeks. All 3 show positive, the weekly ones showing I am 2 - 3 weeks.

I am shocked to say the least, I only came off contraception in august after being on various forms for about 10 years, I am supposed to have PCOS, and I am a plus size mumma. What a blessing!

I put the tests aside to take a pic this morning but the positive display has gone (digital tests) 😪 I thought it stayed for 6 months.

I am having some very light, pink spotting today, so I am hoping this is implantation bleeding, and nothing sinister.

Wishing you all lots of baby dust.