13 dpo vfl?

UPDATE 1/22/22

Unfortunately, I miscarried.

UPDATE 1/13/22

This was from this morning. The stick at the top was from 2 days ago, the 2 under it are today FMU. Definitely a clear difference! Thank you all that commented. Now let's hope baby is sticky

Could use some help.. my husband and I haven't conceived in 3 years. I have been pregnant twice. One loss and one full term. Both times I found out early. I've been feeling off so I decided to test with the internet cheapies I keep just in case. I saw a faint line and thought maybe it was an evap, took another..faint line. I've never had evaps with that pack of cheapies. I bought a FRRR and again I see a line, however the FR app says negative. Am I crazy or is that a line?