Best shampoo & conditioner for curly hair that won’t cause product buildup??


Hi ladies! I need help ASAP! I am on the hunt for good hair products for curly (Caucasian, but very curly) hair!

I was told to try Cantu…. It causes so much buildup, my head is constantly itchy, and now I have a horrible flake thing going on. Never again lol. I’ve never had dandruff before using Cantu, it seriously just dried my scalp and my hair out so bad.

I am going to be the maid of honor in my friend’s wedding in 2.5 weeks and I need something to help my situation before then.

Also open to any at home remedies to help speed the process!

Inserting a pic of my hair below, hopefully it will help. Thanks in advance 🥰

After a couple days ⬇️

Same day as wash ⬇️