A little paranoid . 🤦🏽‍♀️


So I did get a BFP yesterday , 2 to be exact , but things just aren’t making sense to me . The first day of my last cycle was Dec. 27th , I do not track ovulation regularly but my cycle is very normal (26-28 days) .

By calculations , I only ovulated probably a few days ago & did have some spotting , so I thought .. okay ovulation spotting .. no worries .

Weird symptoms : freaking cats at my door (I do not own any pets)

Actual symptoms : nauseous & fatigue

Took a pregnancy test & BAM 💥 PREGNANT (literally under the 3 minute mark, will be getting a pink dye test & digital today to be sure)

But wouldn’t this put me at under 3 weeks pregnant ? & isn’t this a bit early ?


Took My FRER , Both Digital & Dye .. Both Came Back Positive & Currently Having Some Light Spotting . I Have An Appointment Set For Tomorrow, But Still Kind Of Concerned .


My period has started & pregnancy test are coming back negative . 👎🏽