Not trying but not preventing

I have been off birth control for over a year. My partner and I don’t use any form of protection, we don’t try to avoid when I’m ovulating, he doesn’t pull out, nothing. And not once have I gotten pregnant. While we’re not actively trying per say, this is something I have wanted to happen for a while. I was really hopeful this month, but my period just came on full force 😔 it is very saddening and discouraging as there is nothing in this world I want more than to be a mom and I just feel like it’s never going to happen. I know so many people that go pregnant so quickly and effortlessly. No one I know has struggled to get pregnant. I have no one to talk to about this and I’m just feeling very sad right now at the thought that I may never be a mom. And I feel like I’m gonna get a lot of hate for this post because I’m not trying technically while others are and are struggling as well. It’s just very discouraging for all of us to watch some people get pregnant with ease.