Babysitting and Work


I got a 2nd job because I felt I needed more money but now i’m in a difficult situation. My original job is 7:30-1:30pm and this second job is 2-5pm. However, my babysitter(my mom) went to Mexico so I don’t really have a babysitter now. My cousin is helping me watch her in the morning but says can’t do afternoons. I also have another situation that my daughter has speech therapy Thursdays and only my mom and I are authorized. My cousin doesn’t drive anyways so cant take her. I was supposed to start this job about 2 weeks ago but I’ve been putting it off because don’t have a babysitter and been sick. I feel like I can get a different babysitter but that’d probably cost the same of what I’ll make and also idk if I trust people. I feel like quitting already because of all this but idk how since I haven’t even started. I also feel like when my mom comes back I can do it but that’s not until another 3 weeks. What should I do?