How to survive terrible 2

M • Happily married. Girl mom 💗💗💗

I’m struggling here. I have a 27 month old daughter. Lately she has been so difficult. Not sleeping at night. Wakes 3-5 times crying for mommy. I my let daddy come near her at night but during the day she usually only wants him. She used to only want him at night.

We have a 7 month old that I am exclusively breast feeding so I have to jumó between the two kids at night and I get no sleep.

Aside from sleep issues our toddler has turned into an overly emotional demon. Everything makes her cry and she cries for long bursts so she’s in tears all day. Anytime we try to go near her to console her she’s kicks and screams.

She’s mean to her sister, says NO constantly, doesn’t listen. There are times when I have to physically hold her down to change her dirty diaper and try not to get poop everywhere while she decides to throw a tantrum in the middle of the change. She’s so unpleasant to be around lately and it breaks my heart.

I know there is a little jealously going on that doesn’t help the situation. Her father is usually gone a good part of the day so I have the two kids and I try to give them both one on one attention but that isn’t always easy.

Is there anything I can do to help her through this phase better ? How long does it last.