My fiancé broke up with me


After a 6 year relationship, my fiancé told me he had doubts and wanted to break up. He didn’t even let me fight for us and it seemed so easy for him. Even when I asked him what we can do, suggesting a few days apart, he told me not to get my hopes up and that nothing would change because he’s so sure. Three hours before this he was acting completely normal. He also told me that not really into me, was never crazy about me, and isn’t attracted to me. Just two weeks ago he was telling me how he can’t wait for me to be his wife, told me he needs me in his life, that’s I’m hands down the number one thing he wants in life, and even started talking about baby names. We broke up once before getting engaged, and he said it was the biggest mistake of his life and that it would never happen again. He promised me and reassured me constantly. I was there the whole 6 years, I know how he acted towards me, and I know that what he’s saying now doesn’t match his actions of the past 6 years. He cried asking my parents for permission to marry me. He told everyone that he was so glad to have found the one and how much he loved me. It’s so out of the blue and makes so sense. I’m baffled that he was able to keep his feelings from me and decide to end the relationship without talking to me about the problem.

Has anyone else experienced something like this who can maybe shed some light about what might’ve happened?