Back to previous weight but body is yuck


Had my son over a year ago. I put on over 4stone when pregnant with him. Prior to him I was just under 9stone (5ft2inch 36year old). I was actually quite happy with that weight but probably needed to tone up a little. However I’ve finally and very slowly lost over 4stone (taken well over a year) I now weigh 8stone 5lb. No exercise just stopped eating so much. My issue is my body looks a mess even though I weigh less!!!! My stomach now looks bloated and so much bigger than when I weighed 9stone! Still currently breastfeeding so boobs are like empty sand bags as well 😭.

I don’t understand how I weigh less but look flabbier?!

Any tips or recommendations to try make my bum look bigger and my tummy flatter/smaller/less squishy without surgery 😣

My before pics of tummy at 10stone look no different to pics at 8stone 5lbs….

Getting so down about it I’m turning to food for comfort again which will only make it worse!