Birth story


This was my first pregnancy and I went past 40 weeks so I went to get induced, stayed in the hospital for two nights before they induced me, I decided to get the epidural because my mom and mother-in-law said to (I shouldn’t have listened to them). They ended up going to deep while doing the epidural and gave me a wet tap which caused my spinal fluid to leak, which then caused massive headaches to the point I couldn’t take care of my daughter. I couldn’t even sit up to feed her because my head would hurt so much. I ended up going back to the hospital a couple of days later and they did a blood patch, it took away the headaches (thank god) but I had horrible back pain for almost a week. My advice to new moms is do your research and don’t listen to what anyone tells you, I’m beyond grateful I have a healthy baby girl and that it was me in pain and not her.