Two year old won’t sleep


Since about November my two year old has been having trouble going to bed at night. He used to be a great sleeper and would typically be able to fall asleep on his own once out in his crib.

We switched him to a toddler bed in December because he would scream in the crib. Now he takes nearly 2 hours a night to fall asleep. I am really struggling. He doesn’t want his dad to put him to bed. Fortunately he doesn’t cry as much now but he gets up wanders around gets out of bed if I leave the room.

Any advice? We try to be consistent with bed time 7:30/8ish. We read 3 books before bed. Then usually lay down beside his bed. I can leave some nights once he’s almost asleep. He takes a nap at daycare. Even if he skips a nap though he still takes two hours to fall asleep.