Sahm life

Meli • Twin Mama! To my beautiful princesses. 💕💕 Going through life one day at a time with massive amounts of anxiety 🤷🏻‍♀️

I’m a FTM to twin girls who are 2 years old. I’ve been a SAHM since they’ve been born. There’s some days I feel so down and unhappy in fact most days. I don’t know if I’m bored or I need a change of scenery. I’m so blessed I can stay home with my daughters and not worry about having to go to work but Being home all day and taking care of the house day in and day out it’s beginning wear on me. I know this is a common feeling I guess my question is what do you do? This whole pandemic really screwed this up even further being isolated and my situation away from family who live in another state can make raising kids even more difficult