Can I leave isolation tomorrow? (Please read)

I tested positive for COVID very early in the morning (like 5am) on Tuesday the 18th. I had symptoms the day before (Monday the 17th) so I’m considering that my start date. I haven’t had a fever in a couple of days. I still have symptoms that are resolving but they come and go (I have a sore throat in the morning that goes away in the middle of the day and I’m still sneezing). I am vaccinated and boostered. This is what the CDC says: “Ending isolation if you had symptoms:

end isolation after 5 full days if you are fever-free for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medication) and your symptoms are improving.”

I guess I’m having a hard time believing that tomorrow (Saturday the 22nd) I can go back out in public. Would you end your isolation tomorrow if you were me? I am a substitute teacher - is it okay to go back to work on Monday? For context, I live in Ohio.

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