Baby Favoring Right Arm and Hand


My daughter is 8 months old and every time I change her diaper, she rolls onto her left side and uses her right hand to grab her mini spray bottle or one of the other bottles we have on that side. Yesterday I realized that because she was doing this all the time and only on one side, she has gotten a little confused and doesn’t realize that she can use her left arm and hand in the same way. She still uses both, but sometimes when it’s clearly easier for her to grab something with her left hand, she tries to use her right. Her left hand doesn’t have as much experience as her right I guess. She also gets confused when a toy is on her right side and doesn’t realize she can roll that way and grab it with her left hand. I am working on helping her learn that she can do that. I also moved all of the bottles and stuff to the other side, but so far she’s not trying to grab them. All of this to say, do any of you have any ideas of what else I could do to help her learn to use her left arm and hand better?