No fetal pole but yok sac

Grace 🦋 pcos 🌻 👧🏻👧🏼👶🏼👼🏼

I went in for my confirmation appointment at 6 weeks and 6 days ( what glow says ). The doctor told me based off my last period I would be 7 weeks and 4 days but then I was only measuring 5 weeks and 5 days . She said there wasn’t a fetal pole and no heartbeat ( makes sense for so early). There was a yok sac which she said looks good. She told me I probably wasn’t as far along as I think and wants to check me again in 2 weeks . I only had sex 3 times last month and 2 of the days make no sense for pregnancy to happen . So I’m confused and don’t know what to think . I don’t usually go by glow dates for ovulation or period as they aren’t always correct . I had sex 12/10, glow predicted ovulation and fertile week 12/13-12/18 with ovulation on the 17th I think . I had sex the 18th and again on the 24th I believe . I got a positive 1/5 on a digital . I was also testing December 17th, 19th, 21st, 22nd , 25th, and the 30th. My sister in laws thought I was pregnant the 10th and wanted me to test . Hoping I just ovulated later and next time I go there is a fetal pole and heartbeat .