Still don’t feel pregnant?


I am not sure if I am still in denial, or maybe because this is my first baby that has made it this far after a few losses but I still have trouble accepting that I am pregnant and I will have a baby. Thank goodness all of my symptoms from the first trimester have subsided and I am actually feeling great even as I get closer to the third trimester. I don’t have any pain, my energy levels are up and I am even getting pretty good sleep. I feel my baby kick frequently and everything so far has looked wonderful she is healthy and happy as a clam. I just still can’t really come to terms with the fact that my pregnancy will end up with a baby almost like I am still preparing for the worst? I have bought a few essentials like the crib and car seat but other than that haven’t planned a single thing out for her nursery. Any other first time moms feel like this?