Baby ‘engaged’?

My breech baby has turned head down for now (yay).

At my appointment Wednesday midwife said baby had turned head down (last had a scan before new year that found baby was breech) but wasn’t engaged yet. Since yesterday (Friday) I feel like I’ve become noticeably more comfortable. A little more pressure below front and back but not so much to make me feel uncomfortable in a new way, but I do keep feeling ‘something’ bumping against my pelvic bone now?

So I’m not sure if that means baby has settled and started to engage or not or might still be hovering just above if I can feel a bumping around sensation. I just found it really strange how I suddenly can move more freely etc and don’t feel as uncomfortable as I did. Also started having more discharge since yesterday too.

Braxton hicks have also moved lower down too whereas before they were very high up tightenings now they feel a little more like cramps?