1 year old not sleeping

My son will be one in 2 weeks. Since he was a newborn he has been an amazing sleeper. I never been “sleep deprived” and I never been “up all night” because of him. I lucked out with being a first time mama. The last two weeks he’s been having a hard time sleeping. He won’t go to bed until 2am. And since he goes to sleep so late he will wake up at 11am.no natter what I do he does can’t fall asleep. He can’t stay asleep. He will go to sleep at 7:30-8 and sleep for 40-60minutes than he will be up crying and wide awake. He doesn’t go back to sleep until 2am. Since we live in a one bedroom apartment I have no choice but to take him into the living room because my husbands sleeping in the room and needs to wake up by 5am for work. Does anyone have any advice? Is this a normal age for sleep regression?