Spotting Concerns


So Monday the 10th I had excruciating pain as if I was experiencing a ovarian cyst rupture or something of that region. I told my husband I could compare the pain to my early labor contractions (worse than a period, but you could almost breathe through them, kinda) anyways, this was followed by what is now almost 2 weeks of continued spotting and cramping. The cramps are constant when I’m “spotting” and the “spotting” usually begins when I get up in the morning and start moving around and don’t usually stop until maybe mid-day or even later some days. The blood is basically a light to medium pink and sometimes I’ve had some brown. If I had to put an estimate on it, I’d say anywhere from just to enough to not even enough to fill a light-regular tampon once depending. Last night the bad pain was back and it hurt bad enough on one side it made me limp. Today I’ve been in a pain and it’s making my back hurt too. (I was going to call my OB Friday and didn’t get a chance before they closed)

Has anyone ever experienced this? Or have any advice or thoughts they would like to share while I wait until Monday to call my OB or wait to see if the issue resolved or worsens through the weekend.

(Note: the weekend prior to the start of this I had a negative pregnancy test, I have not taken another since though)