Sabrina’s story (so far!)


FTM - Due 2/6/22

35w 5d I was at 1cm

36w 5d I was at 2cm

37w 5d I was at 4cm

37w 6d I was at 5cm

38w - assume the same

38w 1d - assume the same

Friday: For any other first time mom, I thought I would share. I went to the OB at 2pm on Friday (37w 5d) and I was having BH. It was so hard to focus and walk. I was seeing a nurse practitioner and was told I was at “3 or 4cm… defiantly 4cm and super soft”. She told me to head to Labor and delivery for monitoring. I told her I would go if she insisted but I didn’t want to go if I can labor at home. She said I could. Also I guess I lost my mucus plug (probably in one of those late night bathroom breaks).

I’m aiming to have a unmediated birth so I felt like going home. She told me I would certainly have the baby this weekend.

The BH went away by 4:30pm on Friday.

Saturday at 2pm: I called L&D and let them know I wasn’t having any more contractions or BH, and I wanted to make sure everything was good. They said I’m fine to stay home, seeing how I’m wasn’t seeing any bright red bleeding, I was feeling fetal movement and my water hadn’t broken.

Around 5pm, I started having BH (I thought they were contractions).

See photo.

My husband and I went to labor and delivery. I was 4cm dilated, 50% effaced. My daughters heart beat was pretty straight so they gave me a sprite so that woke her up. My BH went away. An hour and half went by and they checked me again. This was officially the worst cervical check…. 😬. I swear the nurse was cupping me from all angles. I was 5cm and I didn’t get the effaced percentage. My water was/is still intact.

I was asked what I wanted to do, I wanted to go home. The nurse talked to the doctor and she was good with us heading home.

FYI: My husband and I are pretty much wanting to stay out of the hospital for as long as possible or to 6cm because the longer we’re at the hospital the higher chance of having interventions. We’re aiming for an unmediated birth.

Sunday: I slept through the night! YEAH! I only woke up once. We hung at the house and I didn’t move very much, so we went to the outdoor mall. By 3pm I hadn’t felt my daughter move very much except for twinges. She started moving when my husband ran into play it again sports (I could feel and see her move!).

Anyways, it’s Sunday at 7:30pm. No more BH since yesterday. Still waiting!

I can’t believe I’m 5cm and walking around with a tight tummy but I just wanted to share incase anyone had similar symptoms and was wondering what the next couple days could look like.

I’ll keep this post updated!